And then there were two
Her and Enright explore their relationship to the attached, mothering body. A body that is now inextricable from another, a body that grew and birthed another human, a body that seeks outside connection and validation, a body bound by limitation, energy depletion, and a need for freedom.
Sung-Im Her received an MA in contemporary dance at Han-Sung University and studied Choreography at P.A.R.T.S. in Belgium. She has worked as a performer with Jan fabre, Les ballets C de la B, Alias, Needcompany, Abattoire Ferme. She has created many international collaboration pieces.
Kathryn Enright holds an MA in Dance Ethnography from Gallatin/NYC and an MFA in Performance/Choreography from The Ohio State University. She has worked as a performer for May Zarhy/Mamaza, Laurent Chetouane, Chris Haring/Liquid Loft, William Forsythe, among others. She is currently editor/assistant to Roslyn Sulcas (dance critic) and Dana Casperson (former Forsythe dancer).